Monday 18 June 2012


Happy Father's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a lovely fathers day yesterday and you got your Dad's cards and presents. It is a day to make your dad feel special for all the things he has done for you. Hope you enjoyed the day especially your dad!



Sunday 17 June 2012

One Tree Hill credits Charmed Style

Found this on youtube and its the opening of One Tree Hill but in a Charmed Style! But the persons chose scary moments of OTH so the show isn't all weird. It just jas tue scariest bits of One Tree Hill but sometimes tye show does get a bit serious. Its weird ......there are depressing bits but then there are fun bits, happy bits, laugh out loud bits. Cos sometimes they get over pretty bad stuff really quickly. But its not all like that. Anyway! Check it out and its only like 50 seconds


I love this character because it is soo cute. I havent watched the film but I have seen bits off it. A similar type of film to 'My Neighbour totoro' is Kiki's delivery service and I LOVE that film.

 This is Kiki's delivery service. It is basically a witch who is kind and generous and she tries to help people as much as she can. She goes on adventures and it is very touching. I haven't watched it in ages so I might have forgotten and missed bits out. But I love this film.